Generate perfect headshots using a single image in seconds with Openjourney
Last updated
Generate perfect headshots using a single image in seconds with Openjourney
Last updated
Add your prompt to generate the perfect headshot. Output quality completely depends on your creativity and your prompt.
Add a image link of your face to extract your facial data to the generate. Please make sure that your image link is valid working direct link. You can either upload the image to discord and grab the media link or host the image somewhere else and paste the direct link.
Choose your favorite AI model from our list to generate the image. To make it easier we have added tags Infront of each model.
Choose your canvas size for your image. We are currently provide basic canvas types:
Add anything that you don't want on your generate. This will eliminates unnecessary stuff being generate on your art.
Styles help you reduce your prompt length and directly address the style type you want on the output.
Samplers allow for the creation of incredible images based on a text prompt. By using various sampling types, they efficiently explore parameters and reduce the variance of the samples, producing precise estimates of the target distribution.
Openjourney uses a seed number to create a field of visual noise, like television static, as a starting point to generate the initial image grids. Seed numbers are generated randomly for each image but can be specified with this option. ( This must be a number )
Please use a Clear Image of a face that facing the camera for the best results.